Dear Mom,
(Please don’t cry when you read this lol). First of all, I want to start this by saying how much I love you. I say it every day and I’ll keep saying it forever and ever. You’re incredible and just the best.
We are so similar, yet so different. We always want to be right, we always want to be the smartest one in the room, and we always speak our minds. This causes problems in our relationship, but we’re really working on that and I think we’ve become so much better at it. We’re different in the way we view the world and the way we express our thoughts. I love this about us. I try to see things creatively and you’re someone who is very technical about things. This combination has worked for 17 years and will continue to work.
You amaze me every day and you’re someone I really look up to. Your perseverance through drama at work to cooking dinner at night is something you should be proud of. Speaking of cooking dinner, you are one the worst cooks ever and that’s honestly so okay. I love Chinese food so… haha but in all seriousness you have gotten so much better at cooking and I’ve started noticing, that you somewhat enjoy following a recipe (don’t deny this). I know it stinks having to come home and make dinner when all you want to do is relax, but thank you for doing it anyways. I’m going to miss home cooked meals in college.
I love listening to your stories and listening to you talk about stuff you’re passionate about. I could listen to you tell funny stories all day long. Even on the worst days you somehow manage to pick me back up with a great story. One particular thing I noticed growing up is that whenever I asked you questions about the Bible and God, you would explain it to me in the same tone. A faithful and passionate tone. I have never heard you speak so passionately about anything else, its incredible. Your whole face lights up or sometimes you break down crying in the middle of the story and I feel that. It makes me want to smile or break down too. You’re an incredible storyteller and maybe thats how you have the job you have?
Thank you for being obsessed with the same things I am. I could sit and talk for hours with you about topics like Disney, or movies, or books, or poems, or life in general. Thank you for loving Disney and the magic it creates just as much as I do. Spending hours on end binge-watching 80’s movies or Disney movies is my favorite activity we share together. You have shared with me so many movies and books and poems you love that I have come to love as well. I wouldn’t have the knowledge as much as I do on all these categories, without you. I can’t wait to be able to share these things with my kids.
Thank you for being the amazing singer you are. You say I don’t remember when you used to hit all the high notes in Wicked, but trust me I do. It’s what made me love to sing. YOU made me love singing, and singing in the car, and in the shower, and at the top of my lungs, and even on stage. You are my biggest cheerleader and seeing you second row in the audience for all my shows is the best feeling in the world. I wouldn’t be who I am today without your help and drive. You always stuck by my side and the decisions I made to get me where I am today.
Now the part I have avoided writing, I’ll keep this short… When I go off to college next year, please don’t be sad. I don’t want me leaving to be a sad occasion. I want it to be a celebration of new and exciting things. Please continue to do the following when I’m in college… Go on Disney trips, text me everyday, FaceTime me every now and then, and tag me in funny things on Facebook. This upcoming Fall will be different and weird, but we’ll get through it. We always do.
Now to close this letter off… Thank you mom for being you. You are brilliant, kind, and loving.
Annabelle- this is just so beautiful! What a lovely letter for your mother…and I’m pretty sure she cried. 🙂
So beautiful!!!!!! Thank you for writing this!
I am so happy for you and your wonderful mother! I hope you will love the next stage in your life! This is incredibly well written! Your parents have so much to be proud of. I hope your life will be filled with joy!
Annabelle, I absolutely love everything you have written about your Mom. She is a Great Lady and I know she went through several boxes of kleenex reading this and I’m sure she’ll read it from now until forever. You are an extremely intelligent, independent, and beautiful young lady. We wish you nothing but the best life has to offer. You have the best Momma anyone could ever ask for. Love you very much and I am so proud of you.
Great letter Annabelle. You are such an amazing lady. I love that you have such good insight and know what you feel and can express it so well.
You have such a beautiful heart!